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How to Unlock Serpentine Perk in Warzone Pacific Season 1By DBLTAP

We've explained how and when players can unlock the Serpentine Perk in Call of Duty (COD): Warzone Pacific Season One.

The full release of the Warzone Pacific map on Dec. 9 is rapidly approaching and, with the publication of the Season One patch notes yesterday, Monday, Dec. 6, players are already forming their plans of attack. There are a variety of new items to unlock both in and out of the Pacific Season One battle pass, including weapons, skins, and—of course—perks.

Below, we've explained how players can go about unlocking the new slot one perk, Serpentine.

How to Unlock Serpentine Perk in Warzone Pacific

Players can unlock the Serpentine perk by progressing through the Warzone Pacific Season One battle pass to Tier 21. Once players hit that tier, the perk will unlock and be available for use in-game.

Serpentine's description reads "sprinting reduces incoming damage," but the actual utility of the perk is a bit more complicated than this. While it's true that sprints of any kind will reduce damage being taken, the type of sprint is directly related to the amount of damage mitigated.

Players who break into a normal sprint will see a slight decrease in incoming damage from ballistics and explosives. Meanwhile, those who use a tactical sprint will have their incoming damage decreased "by more than a quarter of its normal value."

This perk comes from a tactical maneuver of the same name. Soldiers who sprint in a zigzag motion tend to avoid more gunfire in combat than those who run in a straight line or move slowly. Unsurprisingly, an erratically moving target is much harder to hit than a predictable one. The maneuver gets its name due to its similarity to how serpents move along the ground.