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Americans demand #IndependenceFromTrump on Fourth of July, urge Internet to vote him out in upcoming electionsBy Meaww

July 4, is a time for much celebration of America's independence, but this year, it's filled with so much more than that - from the #BlackLivesMatter movement to the pandemic that has killed thousands. c, who they believe is a "disgrace to America and a mockery to its independence." A video continued to circulate the social media channel from an account named @MeidasTouch that tweeted, "This Independence Day, it’s time we take back life, liberty, and happiness. It's time we declare #IndependenceFromTrump." Many took to Twitter to re-tweet or tweet with the hashtag making it one that is now trending worldwide. "Retweet this video if you think Trump is the biggest threat to America. #IndependenceFromTrump," wrote a user.

The video, shows presidents of the past taking their oath until it showcases the "utter lack of respect" that the President has had when it comes to the number of lives that have been lost under his presidency. People were urging many to re-tweet the hashtag along with asking people to vote in the upcoming election. "If you are ready to declare Independence from Trump on November 3rd, reply with the hashtag #IndependenceFromTrump. United, we can't be stopped," tweeted a user with another one adding, "This #IndependenceDayWeekend we must declare #IndependenceFromTrump and his incompetent, lying Nationalist GOP enablers. As we declare #IndependenceFromTrump lets offer him a nice "retirement" package. #ByeDon #TrumpLiesPeopleDie #TrumpIsLosing #ByeIvanka."

The Washington Post also published an article titled, 'Our declaration this Independence Day should be liberation from Trump' in which a powerful line read, "Unlike Trump, many others will use this Fourth to give thoughts and prayers for the 126,000 people in the country who have died since the start of the novel coronavirus pandemic, and the 2.7 million more sickened by the disease." This usually festive day is quite different this year, from people protesting for racial equality, asking for the Trump administration to help save lives and the upcoming election that "can change the course of America."

The site also wrote, "This president will celebrate and sermonize the day, looking past the protests against shocking and bloody police practices and the gross economic injustices that he has allowed to flourish on his watch. Trump shout-outs to liberty and equality will ring hollow. Yes, the Fourth of July is a date to honor. But this year, it is also a day of sorrow for where we now find ourselves," seemingly matching the sentiments of many during this holiday.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Please give us now, #IndependenceFromTrump," wrote a user simply speaking of the "simple rights taken away from people, just because for the heck of it."

Of course, there are two sides to every story and President Trump supporters are also answering those who are calling the president out. One user wrote, "#IndependenceFromTrump If anyone wants independence from Trump, I’ve got some simple steps for you. Step one: leave the country. That’s it. He’s not perfect, he sins just as much as everyone else. If you really can’t live with him as your president, then don’t stay, it’s simple." But these tweets and opinions were definitely drowned out by many calling for exactly what the trending hashtag asks for, ""#independenceFromTrump He's totally unfit, incompetent and lacking any morals. He is deplorable, irredeemable, and must removed and held accountable. Throw his ass out!"," wrote a user with another adding, "I couldn't ask for a better holiday than having a country free from this dark cloud were under. Let the sun shine on a new day full of hope, health and happiness. A brighter day is coming y'all. #IndependenceFromTrump."