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Trump thanks Netanyahu for naming new settlement in Golan Heights after himBy uniindia
Washington, Jun 17 (UNI) US President Donald Trump thanked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for inaugurating a new town in the occupied Golan Heights and naming it "Trump Heights."
"Thank you PM @Netanyahu and the State of Israel for this great honor!" Trump tweeted on Sunday.

Earlier on Sunday, during the inauguration of the site, Netanyahu said Israel would continue to develop the Golan Heights for the benefit of Jewish and non-Jewish people.
Netanyahu, along with US Ambassador David Friedman, unveiled the sign at the site of the future community, near Kela Alon in the northern Golan Heights.
In May, Israel held a special cabinet meeting on the seized sliver of Syrian land to honor Trump’s announcement that the United States recognized Israeli sovereignty over it.
Israel occupied the Golan Heights in the 1967 war and formally annexed it in 1981, in a move that has never been recognized internationally.