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CPP-NPA commander yields to Army in Agusan del NorteBy Manila Bulletin

By Mike Crismundo

CABADBARAN CITY – An alleged commander of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) surrendered recently to the Community Support Team (CST) of the Army’s 29th Infantry (Matatag) Battalion at Barangay Del Pilar, this city, military reported Tuesday.

New People’s Army (MANILA BULLETIN)

The 25-year old alleged rebel commander, whose name withheld for his safety, belonged to Sandatahang Yunit Pangpropaganda 21-B Guerilla Front Committee 21-C of the CPP-NPA Northeastern Mindanao Regional Committee (SYP 21 B, GFC 21-C, NEMRC), said Lt. Col. Isagani O. Criste, commanding officer of the 29th IB, Tuesday.

The rebel commander also yielded his AK 47 rifle with live ammunition, and anti-government documents, some of which had high intelligence value, the 29th IB commander said.

The surrender was also said to be the son of a ranking CPP-NPA commander who surrendered to 29th IB on January 11, 2019, he said.

“I am thankful to the Lord and the troops of 29IB for their never-ending efforts to reach out to the “members of the NPA who want to return to the folds of the law. At first, it was so hard for me to convince my son because he is so hard-headed and would not listen. He thought that the military will kill him if he surrenders. I made him understand that his expectation had no basis, for I have proven how good the military is, especially the 29IB. I also told him not to listen to the NPA because it’s part of their propaganda to threaten him and stop him from surrendering,” Criste said, quoting the surrenderer’s father.